AISandbox is a node-based editor that allows creating an architecture conbining multiple models with inputs and outputs to perform a range of tasks. Think of Figma but for designing AI systems graphically.
This docs mainly contains information about the codebase and how you can build someone on top of it E.g. A new node.
- Both models are executed and database is saved on cloud.
- REST API Support for executing the graph.
- Records all the API & Model usage and provides a dashboard to view the usage.
- Can be Self hosted.
Tech Stack
NextJS 13 (opens in a new tab) - React Framework
Shadcn UI (opens in a new tab) - UI Components
ReactFlow (opens in a new tab) - Graph Editor
Lucid (opens in a new tab) - Icons
Zustand (opens in a new tab) - State Management
TailwindCSS (opens in a new tab) - CSS Framework
Supabase (opens in a new tab) - Database, Auth and Storage.
Stripe (opens in a new tab) - Payments
OpenAI (opens in a new tab) & Replicate (opens in a new tab) - API for executing models
Upstash (opens in a new tab) - Rate Limiting, Caching.
Cloudflare (opens in a new tab) - CDN, DNS, SSL and Reverse Proxy.
Digital Ocean (opens in a new tab) - Server
Directory Structure
├── app - The main web app
│ ├── api - API routes
│ ├── components - React components
│ | ├── dashboard - Dashboard components
│ | ├── landing - Landing page components
│ | ├── nodes - Contains components for all the nodes
| | ├── editor - Contains components for the main editor
│ | ├── ui - Shadcn UI components
| ├── fonts - Fonts
│ ├── lib - Utility functions. Redis, Stripe, Supabase clients.
│ ├── state - Zustand stores
| ├── utils - Utility functions
├── examples - Contains example code for python.
├── packages - Contains library code for python.
├── pages - The documentation website (https://aisandbox.com/docs).
├── public - Static files